escorts worldwide
Escorts WorldWide:
milkamilka escort of Paris, France
My details: |
Contact information: |
Height: |
170 cm |
Weight: |
58 kg |
Age: |
30 |
My parameters: |
90x60x90 |
phone: +33(0)6.6+
Im a lovely girl happy to entertain you. Im available day and
night and will be glad to have fun with you. Like any woman,
I love being with nice looking, stylish gentlemen. But i am
also glad spending time with elegant and charming men
between my age and 60...
To get in touch
organise an appointment or any question, please call me at :
Tel. : + 33 (0) (french area code) * by mail :
[email protected]
Que vous ayez envie de vous octroyer une parenth??se de
bien-??tre, une pause ????rotique pour vous lib????rer dun trop
plein de stress, entre deux rendez-vous professionnels, au
sortir du bureau, ou que vous d????siriez partager votre soir????e,
un jour de cong???? ou votre week-end avec une agr????able
personne, je serai flatt????e que vous me contactiez pour que
nous partagions ces moments ensemble...
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Site owners stand against any kinds of prostitution illegal activities or sex for money. We suppose that only escorts services (accompaniment of somebody for some business meeting, trip e.t.c.) are provided by the escort listed here. This person can do anything he/she wants by his/her own will and he/she solely take all resposibilities for these actions. The site was created to help businessmen and respected ladies to find a person to be their escort - no more, no less. If you know about any illegal actions the escorts listed on our site do - inform us, please.